Friday, September 18, 2009

Splash Pad

We were very excited when we heard that there now is a water pad at one of our favorite local parks. So far we have spend three afternoons there and will have to go many more times before it closes for the season. Jena LOVES the water and Taylor is a little more timid. Jena runs right in the center, while Taylor circles around to find a "safer" path. There are spinning pinwheels, water guns, pouring buckets... spraying water everywhere. Then if they get tired of the water they can play on the playground and we barely have to adjust our seats to keep an eye on them. It could only be better if it was in our own backyard :)

Hopefully the water won't get me here :)

1 comment:

Taryn said...

That looks like so much fun! I wish we had one by us!