Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Two Ways to Enjoy Christmas Presents...

Jena received two new board games from her Great Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas. She absolutely loves "Candy Land!" She wishes we would play with her all day, but since other things have to get done, she has figured out that it's also fun to play by herself. She can use as many players as she wants and she gets all of the exciting cards... her favorite is the Gooey Gooey Gumdrop. The game is always enjoyable to her. Even when we all play together she is not worried about who finishes first because with enough turns everyone gets to Candy Land.

Taylor likes small spaces. She will squeeze into tight spaces in the closet or hide in any box that she finds. Today was the first time when her goal was just not quite obtainable. She figured if all the little people and animals could fit in the barn then maybe she could too, but maybe not. Maybe just the lower part of her legs could fit. Or maybe it would be better as a chair.

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