Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas with the Grandparents!

We were not very good with taking photos, but we sure had a great time over Christmas break. All the family (except Jared who has almost completed his LDS mission) was home, plus enough visitors to make the trip a real party. The only problem was a few illnesses showed up as well.

Christmas morning was very exciting. This was the first year that Jena understood about Santa and eagerly awaited his arrival. She was a little timid Christmas morning, but once she saw the candy canes and toys that uncertainty disappeared. She enjoyed the gifts and was very willing to share all of Taylor's gifts as well. Taylor on the other hand only wanted a few of the most exciting toys out to play with and ended up taking a nap before all her presents were opened.

Jena loved hanging out with her uncles and watching movies all night. She would have her blanket & pillow right there in the middle of all the boys enjoying the excitement of being up way later than she should have been. She also loved playing ping pong with Taylor, Jeffrey and Jonny. It was quite a show watching the boys help these little girls hit the ball back and forth, especially since the girls laughed the whole time.

Taylor loved running around finding anything exciting. One of her favorite toys was bouncing ping pong balls all over the house. She also loved aunt Jeanette's room because there were always treats and a happy aunt to give them out.

We enjoyed making gingerbread houses, playing cards, rocking out to Rock Band, watching/seeing movies, eating all sorts of treats, playing at the park... way to much fun to list everything.

We love Christmas!

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